Subtask C: Demonstration and User Perspectives


Subtask leader:   

  • James Parker, Leeds Becket University, UK

Co-subtask leader:                          

  • Wim Zeiler, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands

The work in Subtask A and B is mainly theoretical work. However, in order to be able to convince policy makers, energy utilities, grid operators, aggregators, the building industry and consumers about the benefits of buildings offering energy flexibility to the future energy systems, proof of concept based on demonstrations in real buildings is crucial.

A number of real buildings will be selected and provided with equipment for controlling the flexibility of the buildings. The measurements will provide important input for Subtask B on the actual accessible flexibility in real buildings under real use.

This subtask will also provide real load profiles and monitored data on storage and generation systems. This knowledge may be utilized for calibration of the simulation models of the example cases in Subtask B. Furthermore, the demonstrations will deliver important knowledge on user motivation and acceptance of energy flexibility in buildings.

The subtask is divided into the following research activities:

  • Activity C.1. Measurements in existing buildings
    • Action C.1.1 Real load profiles in existing buildings
    • Action C.1.2 Monitored data for energy storage systems
    • Action C.1.3 Monitored data on on-site energy generation

  • Activity C.2. Demonstration of Energy Flexibility in real building
    • Action C.2.1 Guidelines for monitoring of real buildings

      The following Actions relate to case studies in real buildings/clusters of buildings. Not all may obtain funding

    • Action C.2.2 TU Delft campus, The Netherlands
    • Action C.2.3 Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom
    • Action C.2.4 Hybrid heat pump systems in gas connected dwellings, United Kingdom
    • Action C.2.5 Single family house with heat pump, Denmark
    • Action C.2.6 Green Tech Center, Denmark
    • Action C.2.7 University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
    • Action C.2.8 Solar XXI, Portugal
    • Action C.2.9 Passivehouse+ renovation, Austria
    • Action C.2.10 Saint-Gobaint building
    • Action C.2.11 Solar Decathlon Europe
    • Action C.2.12 Kropman Breda building, The Netherlands

  • Activity C.3. User motivation and acceptance
    • Action C.3.1 Development of questionnaires and interview strategies
    • Action C.3.2 Investigation of barriers and motivation of users based on case studies

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