
Eighth working meeting

Aalborg, spring 2019

An eighth working meeting took place in Aalborg, Denmark on April 3rd-5th, 2019. The meeting was attended by 37 participants from 15 countries. The meeting was hosted by Aalborg University.

Since it was the last experts meeting, the first day of the meeting was used to focus on finalizing the content of the Annex 67 Deliverables. The editors of all deliverable have reported that the major part of the work is finished and only the final adjustments and corrections are still to be included. Yet, the original time plan had to be adjusted a bit. Five of the seven deliverables are to be finalized during May and afterwards sent to the Excusive Committee of IEA EBC (ExCo) for the final review. The two remaining deliverables will be finalized in the fall of 2019. The seven deliverables from Annex 67 are:

  • Principles of Energy Flexible
  • Characterization of Energy Flexibility in Buildings
  • Stakeholder perspectives on Energy Flexible buildings
  • Control strategies and algorithms for obtaining Energy Flexibility in buildings
  • Experimental facilities and methods for assessing Energy Flexibility in buildings
  • Examples of Energy Flexibility in buildings
  • Project Summary Report

Many other publications (reports, articles, papers and a calculation tool) may already now be found on

The second day was used for a public seminar on energy flexible buildings. A Summary from the event can be found in the section Public Seminar.

During the last day, a follow-up to Annex 67 was discussed. Based on the input from presentations and the interests of the Annex 67 participants it was decided that the follow-up of Annex 67 should have the following focus areas:

  • Scaling from single buildings to clusters of buildings
  • Flexibility in a multi carrier energy system
  • Multi stakeholders acceptance/engagements
  • Costs and business models

A concept proposal for a follow-up annex to EBC ExCo to their meeting in June. If EBC ExCo is interested, it is the intention to have a preparation workshop in September, possible in connection with the IBPSA BS conference in Rome September 2-4, to further refine the content of a new annex.

If you are interested in the possible new IEA EBC annex on energy flexibility in buildings please contact your IEA EBC ExComember

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